Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a quick note before we go...

Well, I'm paying for 30 minutes of internet use, so I might as well put it to good use, right? The remaining 10 minutes are as good a time as any to blog.

Alex & I are now at Hostel Tamarindo in San Pedro Sula, getting ready to meet our cab at 4 AM tomorrow morning. Our host assures us that we've booked a good cab driver and he should actually show up.

Meanwhile, we had a few hours of daylight to kill, so, as is our style when in a new city, we went for a stroll. Would we find someplace to eat? A mercado (supermarket) or a pulperia (small store, maybe like a convenience store, but not really)? We wandered around a bit, checked out some food places, got kicked out of the university (I guess foreigners are allowed in the high-walled, guarded University of San Pedro Sula), then settled on Baleada Express - Honduran fast food - yum. As any good Honduras traveller knows, baleadas are a staple of Honduran food. They consist of smashed beans, cheese sauce that is somewhat similar to runny sour cream, cheese crumbles similar in taste to goat cheese all on a folded flour tortilla. Sometimes, they have other things inside such as eggs or tomatoes. They are cheap just about everywhere. As usual, strangers in a strange land result in an unusual experience, especially for those who are unaccustomed to eating fast food in the first place. We had to have the cashier speak veerry slloowwlllyyy for us. I took our horchatas to the table and waited for Alex and the food. And waited. And watched music videos. He finally discovered that the ticket that the cashier had handed to him did not have some magic number that would be called when his order was filled but actually had to be handed to the prep cook in order to get the food made. Do you ever feel like you're being stared at all of the time? Ah well, it happens. So we ate, Alex his baleada with chorizo, me my platos tipicos (typical plate of Honduran food) and headed back to the hostel before dark fell.

Wish us luck on the early rising tomorrow!

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