Friday, April 8, 2011

language barriers

I was eating lunch when some of the first grade boys came to sit at the table with me. They were eating chocolate covered watermelon popcicles. One boy, standing to my right, asked me a question. Here is our conversation. Note: all a's are short sound.
Boy: How many djears have djou?
Me: What?
Boy: How many djears djou have?
Me: I'm sorry, it's noisy out here. What did you say?
Boy, getting a bit frustrated: How many djears jou have?
Me: Deers? I don't have any deers.
Boy, frustrated: No... ah, how many dje...
Me: Ohh, how many years do I..., how old am I.
Boy: Djes.
Me: I am 50. Cincuenta.
Boy, wide eyed: 50? My father is 51.

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